Tai Chi (pronounced tie jee) literally means ” The Supreme Ultimate”; tai is harmonious balance and chi is vital or essential energy. Tai Chi is similar to getting an acupuncture treatment whereby Chi circulates smoothly through the body creating a state of revitalization and relaxation. Tai Chi is an ancient exercise system from China dating back to the 13th Century. It is based on Martial Arts techniques, however, Master Instructor Rosann Argenti, teaches it as a healthcare system.
How can Tai Chi improve your golf game? This specialized training program integrates your mind, body and breath allowing you to move with ease and relax on command. Relax on Command allows a fluid, powerful nod effortless swing pattern. Have you ever noticed that even before you begin your golf game you may have negative thoughts and distractions? This loss of focus and clarity can lead to frustration and lack of optimum results.
Tai Chi strengthens the entire body, focuses the mind and develops emotional intelligence. All the muscles required for golf are activated through the unique Tai Chi movements giving you stability and strength in your lower body while allowing the upper body to move with dynamic flow. Your mind focuses on the Tai Chi breath and watches the body move slowly; that. Is why it is called “Meditation in Movement.” With the mind being stilled and centered the emotions arrive at a tranquil and balanced state. This alignment brings us into the present moment as the and this feeling of being present is what energizes and exhilarates us. This is how it feels to be IN THE ZONE. This has a tremendous affect on the dynamic quality of playing golf.
The icing on the cake is that Tai Chi does not require any previous conditioning or equipment. There are no age limitations, it demands little time and there is virtually no risk of physical injury.
Master Instructor Rosann Argenti, created an international Tai Chi TV Series. She is author of “Surgery- How to Reherse before you see the nurse” She has 5 DVD’s Tai Chi,Revitalization Breathing, Sitting Tai Chi, Chi-Kung Massage and Bed Exercises. All items are available at: Sports-TaiChi.com